Thursday, August 4, 2011

this is not that

to know who you are and who you are not is a valuable quality.

to know what you are responsible for and what you are not responsible for is a valuable quality.

I seek to be excellent at a few things instead of mediocre at many things. If I'm honest, I have a tendency to not excel at any singular task or skill because I fear rejection and get caught up in a loss of identity.

So, I'm learning to be great at a few things that I highly value and be okay with sucking at everything else. If I can work on being a great writer, or at least pursue it with diligence, excellence, and responsibility, then I shouldn't care if I'm horrible at volleyball.

Figure out who you are, then be that person. If you accept who you are for the great person that you are, then it's a lot easier to be encouraging and loving towards others instead of constantly comparing yourself to others. Usually when you compare yourself to those around you for the qualities or skills that you don't have (and because you don't accept the qualities and skills you DO have), you just end up criticizing, judging, and tearing others down out of fear.

God made you with a specific skill set to complete a specific purpose. Sure, admire godly traits you see in others that you can strive to attain through prayer and the Holy Spirit, but admire out of gratitude instead of envy.

Accept with thankfulness the qualities that you have that make you distinct. If you wish you were more patient, thank God for His grace to work out patience in you and see what happens. If you wish you played the violin better, then just practice and thank God that you can hear it being played.

Accept. Thank. Peace.

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