Tuesday, June 30, 2009


i'm on a very rare exploration into new music. i know who i like, so i usually don't really care to look into new artists. but today, for whatever reason, i'm checking out some new tunes. i might walk away with some new favorites, i might not...we'll see. (i'm listening to m83's new album and just laughed...they're just so weird. but, it's good, actually). to be honest, if i tell someone i'll check out whatever music they recommend, i probably won't. so, i'm not guaranteeing that i'll like it, but i figured i'd at least press play and see what happens.

here's what's on the list to check out for the next few weeks:
-m83: "saturdays=youth"
-jose gonzalez: "stay in the shade"
-bon iver: "for emma, forever ago"
-grizzly bear: "veckatimest"
-john mark mcmillan: "the song inside the sounds of breaking down"
-kings of leon: "because of the times" (and i'll listen to the new album, "only by the night", if i buy it).
-the weepies: "hideaway" and "say i am you"


  1. very interesting, van haselen. i wonder what instigated this "rare exploration"?

  2. who, out of the kindness in their heart, gave you veckatimest? does this person have a music blog of some sort?
